Business is all about minimizing costs and maximizing profits. For you to minimize the costs, you need to be cautious about the amount of money you commit to marketing your business. Whether you are new or old in the online marketing industry, you may have a limited advertising budget to market your website. Even if you had enough resources, you still have to minimize your costs for you to remain in business. Free online marketing is therefore a key ingredient in growing your business online. Do you agree with me?
When I had just started online marketing, I spent much money, hoping to bring quick returns in the shortest time possible. I dug deep into my pockets to spend on several methods intended to drive traffic to my website. At first I thought I would make money online as fast as possible. Hmmm! That wasn't the case. I realized that if I continued spending without going back to the drawing board to reorganize myself, I would end up wasting my resources on what could not work for me. I therefore decided to zero down on free online marketing.
Do you know that online marketers are there to make money? Yes, that's why we are in business. But in the quest of making money, some marketers really exaggerate a lot. I always visit websites with adverts that make me laugh. Do you know why? It's because I once fell prey to such "Make $ 2,000 in 72 hours" adverts. Most marketers create some urgency for you to spend by prompting you to feel that you will make money within hours. But it's not all that simple.
While it's possible to make quick money online, it may not be easy to new marketers. I am not discouraging you from using paid online marketing methods. They surely work. But what I am guarding you against is to spend your hard earned money on marketing methods you have not known very well how they really work. That's why it's good for newbies to use free online marketing methods first as they get the experience in doing online business.
There are many free online marketing methods but I would like to share with you only six methods that I have used and found to be effective.
1. Article marketing is a very effective free online marketing method, which most outstanding and experienced marketers use to drive a steady stream of traffic to their websites. All what you need to do is to write your own articles on topics related to your niche and submit them manually to article directories that will not charge you any penny. Your challenge here is to produce articles consistently and to have a list of the article directories for your article submission.
2. Open an account with Google to use their free online marketing tools like eBlogger, Google Webmaster tools, Google Analytics, Google Sitemaps, Google AdSense, Google Writely, Google Content Submission, Google Alerts and Google Froogle. These are advertising tools you can use without paying any coin to increase traffic to your website. Your challenge is to learn how to use them.
3. Use the word of mouth to tell people, with whom you personally get into contact, about your online presence. Do not underrate the word of mouth; it does wonders for me. I always ask people to visit my website and the response is always good.
4. Use social networking to reach many people with whom you share the same interests. Social networking is an effective free online marketing tool that came to stay. There are many social sites but the most popular sites include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace, Ning, Google++, Tagged, Badoo, MyLife and Friendster.
5. Forum marketing is another free online marketing method you should not miss using. It's so much used by experienced online marketers. You only have to join forums and become an active member. You will begin to see traffic coming to your site from forums.
6. Social bookmarking is a system where members of the same network are able to list websites, which are made accessible to other members of the network. Just like social networking, social bookmarking is a method that has become a big thing to the internet users. Social bookmarking sites include mainly Twitter, Squidoo, StumbleUpon, reddit, Blinklist, Clipmarks, etc...
After exploring and using free online marketing ways, you can now use paid traditional and online advertising to reach more customers, to grow your business. But do not undervalue the effectiveness of free online marketing. It really can help you greatly to build your business. You only have to commit your time to do something every day, you will win. No doubt!
Charles Kiyimba is a businessman and a passionate blogger who shares with you his business experiences at Goleza Designers Blog. Visit today to get FREE knowledge, skills and ideas on business, marketing and personal development!
By: Charles Kiyimba
Friday, August 10, 2018
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Choosing the Best Online Marketing Company
The online sales industry has grown substantially over the last decade and with this growth the way in which marketing is carried out has also changed. Internet marketing is witnessing a massive growth versus more traditional forms of marketing such as print advertising.
In response to this growth thousands of internet marketing companies have sprung up offering a variety of internet marketing services to companies who trade both online and offline. For businesses this can be quite confusing as they may be bombarded daily with different companies offering their services. Deciding which online marketing company is best for their needs can be tricky. In order to choose the best it is important to take the following factors into consideration.
Shop Around
There are literally thousands of companies and therefore it is a really competitive industry. Shop around to make sure that you get the most of your money and also the online marketing company with the best service offered.
Know Your Needs
Your business will have needs which are very specific to yourselves. For instance you may not actually have an online sales portal but rather wish to utilize online marketing in order to attract customers to your actual retail location. Alternatively you may be an area-specific company who wishes to sell a service within a particular geographical location. It is important that you work out your online marketing needs as a business before you approach an internet marketing company or you may end up with an online marketing campaign which does not really reflect the needs of your business.
Strategic Online Marketing Strategy
There are many different elements to internet marketing and therefore it is important that you choose an internet marketing company which is able to develop a strategic, tailored marketing plan for your individual needs. If they just seem to mention random elements of online marketing without any underpinning strategy it is probably best to find another company. Often companies may know the basics of online marketing but have not really developed a strategic approach. Online marketing is still like traditional marketing in that it is important to work out a plan rather than ad hoc marketing campaigns which ultimately fall short of the mark.
Industry Specific Experience
Your company may have industry specific needs which will be best served by an internet marketing company with experience of the industry. For example the online travel industry is extremely competitive and therefore a company with experience in this niche will already understand the market and therefore help you to work out an online marketing campaign tailored to this market.
Customer Satisfaction
No matter what you are purchasing it is always a good idea to verify the customer testimonials that a business offers. If the company has a proven track record of quality results it will be more than happy to offer contact or website details of other customers in order for you to seek references.
Open and Honest
Internet marketing is an industry in itself full of jargon and acronyms. Make sure that the internet marketing company that you select is clear about what exactly it plans to do and does not bombard you with vague concepts with which you are unfamiliar. The only stupid question is the one that you don't ask so if in any doubt ask questions about what the company is offering. If they are legitimate they will be more than happy to answer.
Internet marketing is an excellent tool to further your business but make sure that you employ the correct online marketing company or it could end up being a waste of time and money.
Visit my recommended internet marketing company with 14 years of experience at Online Marketing Company. []
By: Chris M Green
In response to this growth thousands of internet marketing companies have sprung up offering a variety of internet marketing services to companies who trade both online and offline. For businesses this can be quite confusing as they may be bombarded daily with different companies offering their services. Deciding which online marketing company is best for their needs can be tricky. In order to choose the best it is important to take the following factors into consideration.
Shop Around
There are literally thousands of companies and therefore it is a really competitive industry. Shop around to make sure that you get the most of your money and also the online marketing company with the best service offered.
Know Your Needs
Your business will have needs which are very specific to yourselves. For instance you may not actually have an online sales portal but rather wish to utilize online marketing in order to attract customers to your actual retail location. Alternatively you may be an area-specific company who wishes to sell a service within a particular geographical location. It is important that you work out your online marketing needs as a business before you approach an internet marketing company or you may end up with an online marketing campaign which does not really reflect the needs of your business.
Strategic Online Marketing Strategy
There are many different elements to internet marketing and therefore it is important that you choose an internet marketing company which is able to develop a strategic, tailored marketing plan for your individual needs. If they just seem to mention random elements of online marketing without any underpinning strategy it is probably best to find another company. Often companies may know the basics of online marketing but have not really developed a strategic approach. Online marketing is still like traditional marketing in that it is important to work out a plan rather than ad hoc marketing campaigns which ultimately fall short of the mark.
Industry Specific Experience
Your company may have industry specific needs which will be best served by an internet marketing company with experience of the industry. For example the online travel industry is extremely competitive and therefore a company with experience in this niche will already understand the market and therefore help you to work out an online marketing campaign tailored to this market.
Customer Satisfaction
No matter what you are purchasing it is always a good idea to verify the customer testimonials that a business offers. If the company has a proven track record of quality results it will be more than happy to offer contact or website details of other customers in order for you to seek references.
Open and Honest
Internet marketing is an industry in itself full of jargon and acronyms. Make sure that the internet marketing company that you select is clear about what exactly it plans to do and does not bombard you with vague concepts with which you are unfamiliar. The only stupid question is the one that you don't ask so if in any doubt ask questions about what the company is offering. If they are legitimate they will be more than happy to answer.
Internet marketing is an excellent tool to further your business but make sure that you employ the correct online marketing company or it could end up being a waste of time and money.
Visit my recommended internet marketing company with 14 years of experience at Online Marketing Company. []
By: Chris M Green
Monday, August 6, 2018
Does Online Marketing Have to Cost Money?
The best part about marketing products and services online is that anyone can get started with minimal set-up. All you need is an Internet connection and a device to connect to the Internet and you can start making money online right away. But many people soon discover that online marketing costs money, at least if you hope to be really good at it. But you can keep costs to a minimum if you do things correctly. The following tips will help you build up an Internet marketing empire, even on a shoestring budget.
Affiliate Marketing
Most would agree that affiliate marketing is the easiest way for the Internet marketing novice to get started. With affiliate marketing, you don't need to manufacture products and you don't need to provide any services. Instead, you're going to be marketing other business owners' products and services and then you're going to make a commission off of every item or service package you sell.
Affiliate marketing is free to get started and unless the business you're marketing for has an approval process, you can get started right away. So, right there you have a way to make money online without needing any money of your own.
But once you have the affiliate offers, how do you actually pitch them to people? For this, you're going to need a web presence.
Building Your Web Presence
To market products and services online, you should have a website or blog online that you can send your prospects to. For this, Blogger and WordPress will work nicely. These platforms let you build free blogs online, and they're hosted and everything. You simply provide the content and you have your very own home on the web.
Of course, if you hope to build relevancy, trust and authority in your given niche, which is what's required if you hope to be good at Internet marketing, you will need a website sooner or later. For this, you're going to need web hosting.
Domain and Web Hosting
Every Internet Marketer worth his or her weight in gold should have an independent domain. This means a domain that doesn't have 'Blogspot dot com' or 'WordPress dot com' attached to it. We're talking about domains like (Your Domain Here Dot Com). Of course, the Your Domain Here would be replaced with your keyword or phrase of your choice. The trick is to choose a domain that is relevant to your field and also one that's highly searchable and easy to remember. But how much does a domain cost?
When you secure a domain, and we suggest Host Gator for this, you will also be able to buy hosting service with that same company, in most cases. You will only need a basic hosting service, which means you will only need enough room to put a few files online.
You can usually get by with a domain and hosting for under $100. And some companies offer services much less than that. The best advice you'll hear on the matter is to do a thorough online search and don't forget to look for coupon codes, which many domain registrars and hosting providers love to use.
Right now, we're down $100 or less, but we have a domain name and hosting service. So now at least we're able to put our offer online. Now, you can use Blogger and WordPress and you can put them on your own domain. Or, you can create your own website. Of course, the best thing to do is outsource.
Outsourcing Your Work
Unless you're a professional writer, designer and coder, you're going to find it very difficult to successfully market products and services online. If you don't think that's true, consider this. Sure, you will get a few sales on a website that is converted from Blogger. You may even get twenty or more sales on a website that you created yourself, even though you have no writing or design experience.
But if you hope for your website to get thousands of visitors and you expect to make the kind of money to retire on, then you're going to have to go for professional all the way. That means hiring a professional copywriter to write your sales copy, your e-books and e-reports, and all the autoresponder emails and articles that will be used to power your web presence. And you're going to need to hire a professional web and/or graphic designer to design your squeeze pages, your e-book and e-report covers, the banners you'll use to drive more traffic to your online offer, etc. And if you don't know HTML from PHP, then you're going to find the actual development of your web presence a virtual nightmare.
But there is hope. The trick is to find an outsourcing team that can do it all. You need to find a top-notch team comprised of skilled copywriters and trained designers. And you need a team made up of code monkeys and video producers and, most of all, marketing professionals. The bottom line is that you need a team that will produce the ultimate Internet marketing package that will dominate your niche and have your prospects and customers always coming back for more.
Now, it is true that a team like that can easily charge upwards of $1000 or more per package they create. Especially if the writing, design, coding, videos and all other aspects of those packages are of the highest quality. But you can find cheaper services, and by cheaper we don't necessarily mean of lesser quality. The trick is to keep your eyes open for teams that are actually interested in seeing online marketers succeed. They're out there and, just like you take coupons with you to the grocery store in order to save money, you should bargain shop with every aspect of your online business from domain buying to outsourcing.
But just think, when you outsource the creation of your online marketing materials, the squeeze pages, the e-books and e-reports, the autoresponder emails, the articles, press releases, the banners, the keywords and all the research, every single bit of it is done for you. All you need to do is receive the package, set it up and your entire package runs on autopilot.
So does online marketing cost money? Not necessarily. You can start selling affiliate products and services right away on Blogger and and you don't need to spend a dime, except maybe to pay for your Internet service.
But if you want to do it right, you'll choose to outsource. In this case, you'll need a domain and hosting, and you'll need to find a company that will create the ultimate online marketing package that will build relevancy, authority and trust between you and your audience. And the right team is out there that will let you have it all for much less than you'd think.
But consider this. When you spend money on experts to outsource your materials, it's not like you're wasting your money. Your money is being invested, and you're investing in the very best in the business. Once your Internet marketing package goes online, you'll see that the investment was well worth it. That's how the experts do it and if you want any type of success in this business, you'll follow this advice.
In closing, Internet marketing may be free to get started. But if you want any type of real success, and we're talking the 'real job' killing success that most people dream about, then you're going to have to invest in your business. But if you shop around and you invest in the best, you'll succeed in this business where so many have failed, guaranteed.
To learn more about Internet marketing help [], visit The Fortune-Niche Ones ( [] ) where we offer made-to-order online marketing packages.
By: Jason W Little
Affiliate Marketing
Most would agree that affiliate marketing is the easiest way for the Internet marketing novice to get started. With affiliate marketing, you don't need to manufacture products and you don't need to provide any services. Instead, you're going to be marketing other business owners' products and services and then you're going to make a commission off of every item or service package you sell.
Affiliate marketing is free to get started and unless the business you're marketing for has an approval process, you can get started right away. So, right there you have a way to make money online without needing any money of your own.
But once you have the affiliate offers, how do you actually pitch them to people? For this, you're going to need a web presence.
Building Your Web Presence
To market products and services online, you should have a website or blog online that you can send your prospects to. For this, Blogger and WordPress will work nicely. These platforms let you build free blogs online, and they're hosted and everything. You simply provide the content and you have your very own home on the web.
Of course, if you hope to build relevancy, trust and authority in your given niche, which is what's required if you hope to be good at Internet marketing, you will need a website sooner or later. For this, you're going to need web hosting.
Domain and Web Hosting
Every Internet Marketer worth his or her weight in gold should have an independent domain. This means a domain that doesn't have 'Blogspot dot com' or 'WordPress dot com' attached to it. We're talking about domains like (Your Domain Here Dot Com). Of course, the Your Domain Here would be replaced with your keyword or phrase of your choice. The trick is to choose a domain that is relevant to your field and also one that's highly searchable and easy to remember. But how much does a domain cost?
When you secure a domain, and we suggest Host Gator for this, you will also be able to buy hosting service with that same company, in most cases. You will only need a basic hosting service, which means you will only need enough room to put a few files online.
You can usually get by with a domain and hosting for under $100. And some companies offer services much less than that. The best advice you'll hear on the matter is to do a thorough online search and don't forget to look for coupon codes, which many domain registrars and hosting providers love to use.
Right now, we're down $100 or less, but we have a domain name and hosting service. So now at least we're able to put our offer online. Now, you can use Blogger and WordPress and you can put them on your own domain. Or, you can create your own website. Of course, the best thing to do is outsource.
Outsourcing Your Work
Unless you're a professional writer, designer and coder, you're going to find it very difficult to successfully market products and services online. If you don't think that's true, consider this. Sure, you will get a few sales on a website that is converted from Blogger. You may even get twenty or more sales on a website that you created yourself, even though you have no writing or design experience.
But if you hope for your website to get thousands of visitors and you expect to make the kind of money to retire on, then you're going to have to go for professional all the way. That means hiring a professional copywriter to write your sales copy, your e-books and e-reports, and all the autoresponder emails and articles that will be used to power your web presence. And you're going to need to hire a professional web and/or graphic designer to design your squeeze pages, your e-book and e-report covers, the banners you'll use to drive more traffic to your online offer, etc. And if you don't know HTML from PHP, then you're going to find the actual development of your web presence a virtual nightmare.
But there is hope. The trick is to find an outsourcing team that can do it all. You need to find a top-notch team comprised of skilled copywriters and trained designers. And you need a team made up of code monkeys and video producers and, most of all, marketing professionals. The bottom line is that you need a team that will produce the ultimate Internet marketing package that will dominate your niche and have your prospects and customers always coming back for more.
Now, it is true that a team like that can easily charge upwards of $1000 or more per package they create. Especially if the writing, design, coding, videos and all other aspects of those packages are of the highest quality. But you can find cheaper services, and by cheaper we don't necessarily mean of lesser quality. The trick is to keep your eyes open for teams that are actually interested in seeing online marketers succeed. They're out there and, just like you take coupons with you to the grocery store in order to save money, you should bargain shop with every aspect of your online business from domain buying to outsourcing.
But just think, when you outsource the creation of your online marketing materials, the squeeze pages, the e-books and e-reports, the autoresponder emails, the articles, press releases, the banners, the keywords and all the research, every single bit of it is done for you. All you need to do is receive the package, set it up and your entire package runs on autopilot.
So does online marketing cost money? Not necessarily. You can start selling affiliate products and services right away on Blogger and and you don't need to spend a dime, except maybe to pay for your Internet service.
But if you want to do it right, you'll choose to outsource. In this case, you'll need a domain and hosting, and you'll need to find a company that will create the ultimate online marketing package that will build relevancy, authority and trust between you and your audience. And the right team is out there that will let you have it all for much less than you'd think.
But consider this. When you spend money on experts to outsource your materials, it's not like you're wasting your money. Your money is being invested, and you're investing in the very best in the business. Once your Internet marketing package goes online, you'll see that the investment was well worth it. That's how the experts do it and if you want any type of success in this business, you'll follow this advice.
In closing, Internet marketing may be free to get started. But if you want any type of real success, and we're talking the 'real job' killing success that most people dream about, then you're going to have to invest in your business. But if you shop around and you invest in the best, you'll succeed in this business where so many have failed, guaranteed.
To learn more about Internet marketing help [], visit The Fortune-Niche Ones ( [] ) where we offer made-to-order online marketing packages.
By: Jason W Little
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Online Marketing Tips - 7 Steps to Success
The Components and Elements of Online Marketing
While creating a successful marketing campaign has never been easy, the advent of online marketing has simplified the process somewhat, while at the same time putting it directly into the hands of the online marketer. It is our hope that by following these Online Marketing Tips we can simplify the process further, allowing you and your marketing campaign to benefit from these 7 Steps to Success.
The Components of Online Marketing
There are three basic components to online marketing: the blog, the website, and the Social Network. A blog allows you to share information, the fundamental purpose of the Internet, while a website allows you to promote your business. Using the Social Network to spread the word among vast numbers of online users has also become fundamental to a successful online marketing campaign. Understanding the effective use of these three components of online marketing will greatly enhance your campaign, while at the same time vastly improving your chances for success.
The Blog
Your blog is where you can really shine as an individual; sharing your knowledge, experience, and expertise. This is where folks will get to know you and, though this notion frightens some, putting yourself out there is crucial to the success of your online marketing campaign. It almost goes without saying that people prefer buying from someone they know and trust - almost. If they don't trust you, why should they buy from you? And, if they don't know you, how can they trust you?
By sharing a bit of yourself, your knowledge, experience, goals, and values, you create an emotional bond with your prospective customer or client. By allowing them to share a bit of your world, through a combination of written content, pictures, even audio and video, they will feel as if they are getting to know you. This can only lead to increased trust.
Your blog is the best possible place to do this. You can even begin to interact with individuals here, by encouraging comments, "shares," and "follows," which will further increase their trust in you.
The Website
Your website, as an extension of your blog, is where your product or service will shine. This is where folks will begin to understand the benefits of doing business with you.
Once you've generated a personal connection through your blog, as well as building a sense of trust, sharing the benefits of your product or service becomes a natural extension of the new online relationship you've created with your prospect. Here is where all the traditional tools of advertising and marketing come into play: text, imagery, audio, and video; with video becoming ever more important.
Your website is the ideal venue in which to explain the features and benefits of your product or service; with great emphasis on the benefits. Just as with traditional advertising and marketing, explaining how your product or service will improve the lives of your prospects is paramount. Do not get caught up in why it's the best; instead, show them why it's the best for them.
Video is, of course, the ideal medium for showing almost anything, but its best use is for showing your prospect how they will benefit from the use of your product or service. Seeing your product in use; seeing others enjoying the benefits of your service; seeing you demonstrate the usefulness of your product, can only enhance their esteem for what you might do for them. Your website is the perfect platform on which to accomplish this, as virtually all hosting sites offer the ability to embed video in your site.
The Social Network
Using the Social Network, sites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as the professional networking site LinkedIn, will help to spread your message across the Internet, and the world. The sheer numbers involved dictate your presence here.
If you think of your Facebook profile as an extension of your blog and your Facebook Page as an extension of your website, with literally hundreds of millions of possible viewers daily, you begin to understand the importance of the Social Network as another tool in your online marketing strategy. The potential exposure here is awesome, and staggering.
Because Facebook is so popular, with 750 million active users, and because these users love to share information, each of them generating about 90 pieces of fresh content per month, the potential for any single piece of information being shared is mind-blowing. In fact, if just one person shares your information, it has the potential to reach 16,900 people within a couple of days. From there, there is no limit, because every new share increases the possible views of your information by nearly 17,000 users, every other day or so.
The sharing of information on Twitter, known as Tweets, is nearly as popular. These short, 140 character snippets of information have the potential to reach more than half-a-million users several times a day. Further, due to the nature of sharing information on Twitter, the short, to-the-point style, it is ideal for mobile sharing; evidenced by the 182% increase in mobile Tweets in the last year. Putting your information right into the hands of your prospect, even when not in front of a computer, makes it a wonderful resource for promoting your product or service.
For business-to-business marketing, the power of LinkedIn is nearly as impressive. While the sheer numbers may not be as staggering, the audience is more narrowly targeted, creating an ideal marketplace for B2B promotion.
The Elements of Online Marketing
As with any marketing campaign, content is king. The use of text to explain yourself, enhanced by imagery to generate a more personal connection; as well as audio and video to promote your business are the four crucial elements of a successful online marketing campaign.
Written content is, always has been - and always will be, the foundation of the online world, including online marketing. Without relevant, timely, well-written text content, online communication becomes virtually impossible.
Enhancing your content with imagery, audio, and video is all well and good but, without compelling text, your online marketing campaign is likely to fail. The sharing of information is what the Internet is all about. Without quality written content you will become marginalized at best, and ignored completely at worst.
Seeing you is as important as "hearing" you, i.e., reading what you have to say. By planting an image of you in the minds of your prospect, you enhance the personal connection and sense of trust you're working so hard to foster.
Due to the advances in digital image generation, it is easier than ever to place pictures of yourself, your business, even your satisfied customers on your blog or website. Being shy will get you nowhere. As explained above, promoting yourself, as well as your business, is essential to a successful online marketing campaign. Imagery enhances this.
As another tool for creating an online presence, audio is very inexpensive and offers additional benefits to those who use it properly.
Especially when text becomes convoluted or confusing, such as instructional content on product usage for example, audio can bring clarity to your informational offering. Audio is also a great way to share information from other experts in your field. Audio interviews can be done conveniently and inexpensively, and will enhance your reputation as someone who is willing to share important information; regardless of the source.
Video has become nearly as important as text in online communication, especially in online marketing. Video can be used to personalize your relationship with your prospect; to explain complicated product features; to display product or service benefits; as "How to" and tutorial enhancements. In fact, the possibilities for the use of video in online marketing are almost endless.
With the advent of inexpensive easy-to-use video editing technologies and online video production sites, as well as the incredible popularity of online video platforms, video is fast becoming the default method of expression.
Using YouTube to promote marketing videos has become nearly as universal as the use of the Social Network; with numbers equally staggering. Beyond sheer numbers however, there is the propensity of YouTube viewers to share the videos they enjoy. This then, is the reason for posting your marketing videos to YouTube. Creative, entertaining videos get shared by millions and the chance that your video might "go viral" is more than enough reason to post there.
While online marketing does share many of the same characteristics of traditional advertising, it is the ability to build relationships over time with your prospects which make it so attractive; to say nothing of the convenience factor found in shopping online. By following these Online Marketing Tips, and by remaining faithful to the 7 Steps to Success, you will be able to profit directly from the advantages inherent in this multi-faceted marketing world.
R Conte is the owner and principal author at SEO Writer Pro, a brand new website offering high quality, Affordable SEO Article Writing and fresh, well-written Blog Content from a dedicated, professional SEO writer. Click here to discover how you can save money buying relevant, timely, high quality content with our Special Introductory Article Writing Offer. []
By: R Conte
While creating a successful marketing campaign has never been easy, the advent of online marketing has simplified the process somewhat, while at the same time putting it directly into the hands of the online marketer. It is our hope that by following these Online Marketing Tips we can simplify the process further, allowing you and your marketing campaign to benefit from these 7 Steps to Success.
The Components of Online Marketing
There are three basic components to online marketing: the blog, the website, and the Social Network. A blog allows you to share information, the fundamental purpose of the Internet, while a website allows you to promote your business. Using the Social Network to spread the word among vast numbers of online users has also become fundamental to a successful online marketing campaign. Understanding the effective use of these three components of online marketing will greatly enhance your campaign, while at the same time vastly improving your chances for success.
The Blog
Your blog is where you can really shine as an individual; sharing your knowledge, experience, and expertise. This is where folks will get to know you and, though this notion frightens some, putting yourself out there is crucial to the success of your online marketing campaign. It almost goes without saying that people prefer buying from someone they know and trust - almost. If they don't trust you, why should they buy from you? And, if they don't know you, how can they trust you?
By sharing a bit of yourself, your knowledge, experience, goals, and values, you create an emotional bond with your prospective customer or client. By allowing them to share a bit of your world, through a combination of written content, pictures, even audio and video, they will feel as if they are getting to know you. This can only lead to increased trust.
Your blog is the best possible place to do this. You can even begin to interact with individuals here, by encouraging comments, "shares," and "follows," which will further increase their trust in you.
The Website
Your website, as an extension of your blog, is where your product or service will shine. This is where folks will begin to understand the benefits of doing business with you.
Once you've generated a personal connection through your blog, as well as building a sense of trust, sharing the benefits of your product or service becomes a natural extension of the new online relationship you've created with your prospect. Here is where all the traditional tools of advertising and marketing come into play: text, imagery, audio, and video; with video becoming ever more important.
Your website is the ideal venue in which to explain the features and benefits of your product or service; with great emphasis on the benefits. Just as with traditional advertising and marketing, explaining how your product or service will improve the lives of your prospects is paramount. Do not get caught up in why it's the best; instead, show them why it's the best for them.
Video is, of course, the ideal medium for showing almost anything, but its best use is for showing your prospect how they will benefit from the use of your product or service. Seeing your product in use; seeing others enjoying the benefits of your service; seeing you demonstrate the usefulness of your product, can only enhance their esteem for what you might do for them. Your website is the perfect platform on which to accomplish this, as virtually all hosting sites offer the ability to embed video in your site.
The Social Network
Using the Social Network, sites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as the professional networking site LinkedIn, will help to spread your message across the Internet, and the world. The sheer numbers involved dictate your presence here.
If you think of your Facebook profile as an extension of your blog and your Facebook Page as an extension of your website, with literally hundreds of millions of possible viewers daily, you begin to understand the importance of the Social Network as another tool in your online marketing strategy. The potential exposure here is awesome, and staggering.
Because Facebook is so popular, with 750 million active users, and because these users love to share information, each of them generating about 90 pieces of fresh content per month, the potential for any single piece of information being shared is mind-blowing. In fact, if just one person shares your information, it has the potential to reach 16,900 people within a couple of days. From there, there is no limit, because every new share increases the possible views of your information by nearly 17,000 users, every other day or so.
The sharing of information on Twitter, known as Tweets, is nearly as popular. These short, 140 character snippets of information have the potential to reach more than half-a-million users several times a day. Further, due to the nature of sharing information on Twitter, the short, to-the-point style, it is ideal for mobile sharing; evidenced by the 182% increase in mobile Tweets in the last year. Putting your information right into the hands of your prospect, even when not in front of a computer, makes it a wonderful resource for promoting your product or service.
For business-to-business marketing, the power of LinkedIn is nearly as impressive. While the sheer numbers may not be as staggering, the audience is more narrowly targeted, creating an ideal marketplace for B2B promotion.
The Elements of Online Marketing
As with any marketing campaign, content is king. The use of text to explain yourself, enhanced by imagery to generate a more personal connection; as well as audio and video to promote your business are the four crucial elements of a successful online marketing campaign.
Written content is, always has been - and always will be, the foundation of the online world, including online marketing. Without relevant, timely, well-written text content, online communication becomes virtually impossible.
Enhancing your content with imagery, audio, and video is all well and good but, without compelling text, your online marketing campaign is likely to fail. The sharing of information is what the Internet is all about. Without quality written content you will become marginalized at best, and ignored completely at worst.
Seeing you is as important as "hearing" you, i.e., reading what you have to say. By planting an image of you in the minds of your prospect, you enhance the personal connection and sense of trust you're working so hard to foster.
Due to the advances in digital image generation, it is easier than ever to place pictures of yourself, your business, even your satisfied customers on your blog or website. Being shy will get you nowhere. As explained above, promoting yourself, as well as your business, is essential to a successful online marketing campaign. Imagery enhances this.
As another tool for creating an online presence, audio is very inexpensive and offers additional benefits to those who use it properly.
Especially when text becomes convoluted or confusing, such as instructional content on product usage for example, audio can bring clarity to your informational offering. Audio is also a great way to share information from other experts in your field. Audio interviews can be done conveniently and inexpensively, and will enhance your reputation as someone who is willing to share important information; regardless of the source.
Video has become nearly as important as text in online communication, especially in online marketing. Video can be used to personalize your relationship with your prospect; to explain complicated product features; to display product or service benefits; as "How to" and tutorial enhancements. In fact, the possibilities for the use of video in online marketing are almost endless.
With the advent of inexpensive easy-to-use video editing technologies and online video production sites, as well as the incredible popularity of online video platforms, video is fast becoming the default method of expression.
Using YouTube to promote marketing videos has become nearly as universal as the use of the Social Network; with numbers equally staggering. Beyond sheer numbers however, there is the propensity of YouTube viewers to share the videos they enjoy. This then, is the reason for posting your marketing videos to YouTube. Creative, entertaining videos get shared by millions and the chance that your video might "go viral" is more than enough reason to post there.
While online marketing does share many of the same characteristics of traditional advertising, it is the ability to build relationships over time with your prospects which make it so attractive; to say nothing of the convenience factor found in shopping online. By following these Online Marketing Tips, and by remaining faithful to the 7 Steps to Success, you will be able to profit directly from the advantages inherent in this multi-faceted marketing world.
R Conte is the owner and principal author at SEO Writer Pro, a brand new website offering high quality, Affordable SEO Article Writing and fresh, well-written Blog Content from a dedicated, professional SEO writer. Click here to discover how you can save money buying relevant, timely, high quality content with our Special Introductory Article Writing Offer. []
By: R Conte
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Online Marketing Basics for Small Business
As you might remember not so long ago we had internet connections via a telephone line, we happily browsed our favorite websites waiting oftentimes a couple of minutes for images and long paragraphs with funky fonts and colors to load. Back in those days we did not have many options, for most people the idea of buying online seemed like a 70's sci-fi movie.
Because of the high costs associated with creating a website in the early ages of the internet, this was a luxury item of larger companies; it almost felt more as status symbol. Nowadays as you already know many things have changed.
Today your website is probably one of the best sales tools your business can have, here's why
It's your best lead generation tool: in today's market even the smaller companies can compete against the largest companies in the world for potential customers
It's your most cost effective sales tool: forget newspapers, yellow books and old media, websites can take orders, accept new customers and much more 24/7 without having to have anyone waiting on the phone to take an order
It's a fast marketing testing tool: with a click of a button you can change products name, prices, pictures, copy and much more to see what appeals more to your customers, "good luck trying that with a catalogue"
It's your own retailer and sales person: setting up an e-commerce website today is not only easy but affordable, your website can take orders, payments and automatic process the orders and shipping if needed
Understanding online marketing and its process
Yes, your website is probably one of the most important assets in your online marketing efforts, however its far from being the only thing you need when creating an internet marketing campaign. Most small business make the mistake of believing that by just putting a 5 page catalog website together on the web will bring all the customers they had been waiting for. In today's competitive marketplace this will rarely ever do anything for your company.
If you want to create a successful marketing campaign you have to create and follow a step by step process to run and grow your business online.
Step 1: Take charge and be consistent
You can achieve online marketing success if you put the time and dedication to educate yourself about the different online marketing strategies and take charge of your online efforts. If you put up a website, Facebook page and twitter account just to leave it alone and never come back to it, failure will soon follow you and most people blame some obscure evil internet god, where you think you got too late into the game, that you are not a 22 year old Harvard genius or that you are just unlucky. Believe me many people go through this, only to come back years later regretting all the success they would have had accomplished if they only had stuck with it.
Your online marketing needs a great image: starting from the colors you choose for your logo and the font you use in your website, your online marketing message has to be clear. Remember will all the clutter that most people see on the media everyday oftentimes less is more. Forget the flying color letters and loud funky music on your website, chances are its just going to get mixed with the sweet soft online radio station of your customer and you just made her close her browser as fast as she could. Remember to put the same creative elements on all your marketing materials as you do in your website so you can create what is called a business brand.
All about hosting and domains: today millions of domains are registered every day it's not as easy as it used to be to find a good domain name for your business, keep in mind that there are many different online marketing strategies that can be improved by having a good domain name for example if you have a domain that includes the correct keywords for your business this will eventually help you with your search engine optimization efforts. Also keep in mind that hosting is very affordable nowadays back in the day I remember having friends pay over $50 a month for basic hosting service. Today you can get a great hosting service with all the necessary tools for your website at a low monthly cost.
Step 2: Establish your online brand
Website design: Don't be fooled by some of the larger companies that tell you that web design is an obscure world of code wizards and design goddesses. With the advances in today's online technologies is fairly affordable to have a great and effective website designed. Don't take me wrong, I'm not saying find your 17 year old nephew to design your website as I've seen before, or to go to craigslist and find that $20 web designer that will create your online masterpiece, this will shortly result in online marketing failure. All I'm saying is that you don't have to spend 5 or 7 thousand dollars to get a very effective and appealing website.
It's all on the content: Don't follow the same error of many small business owners when they start creating a website where they put all the time and energy finding the right colors, the perfect logo on all the awesome images for the website but they neglect to create the best copy and content for their customers to read, after all most people go online to find useful information. Not only this but shortly when you discover the wonders of search engine optimization you will rapidly find that the content on your website is a key factor in your online marketing efforts. If you don't feel as creative as you were in your junior high poetry writing class, i highly recommend finding someone who can help you create compelling content for your site.
Communicate your offer: Many companies get distracted and use their website as a tri-fold brochure. Make sure you find the single reason why someone will visit your site and clearly give your visitors what you have to offer. It could be a simple contact form for more information, a sales video or a well put together sales page with an integrated online payment, whatever it is make sure you clearly tell your prospective customers what you offer and what action you want them to take.
Step 3: Build your audience
I could literally write 10 books in this subject and will definitely give you more detailed information later on, but this is how some say "where the magic happens", here is where you could give up to have the best designed website, all the social media pages in the world and so forth if no one is finding you online there is just no point of losing your precious time and money on these internet adventures. Traffic=customers=sales
Search engine optimization: SEO or search engine optimization is probably one of the most important pieces of the online marketing puzzle. This is where if done correctly can take your business from a small pop and mom corner shop to a large online retailer. Basically millions of people search every day for services and products online trough search engines, SEO is what helps you beat the competition so more people will find you.
Social media: If by now you don't know what Facebook or twitter is you must have been living under a rock for the past 5 years. As you know today almost everyone is connected online with their friends, family and colleagues trough some social media site. You need to take advantage of this by creating a social media campaign, just as I explained earlier about web design, you won't do much by just putting up a Facebook or Google+ profile, you have to create a strategy to reach all those potential customers with which you can easily interact online.
Paid online advertising: Just as important as some other online marketing methods paid online ads can be a very effective sales tool. Between Google Adwords, Facebook and banner ads there are plenty of companies looking for you to spend your beloved dollars advertising with them, make sure that before you take your shiny credit card out of your wallet you analyze and understand where your money is going and how is it going to help your online marketing efforts.
There are plenty of other online marketing strategies to follow, for now I wanted to cover some of the most important basics that will hopefully guide you on the right direction. Please keep tuned for more tips and information to help you create or enhance your small business online marketing campaigns.
All Digital Media helps small business create successful Online Marketing Campaigns at affordable Prices. Including Website Design, Branding, SEO and more. Go Here [] to view our affordable Web Design Plans
By: Santiago A Sosa
Because of the high costs associated with creating a website in the early ages of the internet, this was a luxury item of larger companies; it almost felt more as status symbol. Nowadays as you already know many things have changed.
Today your website is probably one of the best sales tools your business can have, here's why
It's your best lead generation tool: in today's market even the smaller companies can compete against the largest companies in the world for potential customers
It's your most cost effective sales tool: forget newspapers, yellow books and old media, websites can take orders, accept new customers and much more 24/7 without having to have anyone waiting on the phone to take an order
It's a fast marketing testing tool: with a click of a button you can change products name, prices, pictures, copy and much more to see what appeals more to your customers, "good luck trying that with a catalogue"
It's your own retailer and sales person: setting up an e-commerce website today is not only easy but affordable, your website can take orders, payments and automatic process the orders and shipping if needed
Understanding online marketing and its process
Yes, your website is probably one of the most important assets in your online marketing efforts, however its far from being the only thing you need when creating an internet marketing campaign. Most small business make the mistake of believing that by just putting a 5 page catalog website together on the web will bring all the customers they had been waiting for. In today's competitive marketplace this will rarely ever do anything for your company.
If you want to create a successful marketing campaign you have to create and follow a step by step process to run and grow your business online.
Step 1: Take charge and be consistent
You can achieve online marketing success if you put the time and dedication to educate yourself about the different online marketing strategies and take charge of your online efforts. If you put up a website, Facebook page and twitter account just to leave it alone and never come back to it, failure will soon follow you and most people blame some obscure evil internet god, where you think you got too late into the game, that you are not a 22 year old Harvard genius or that you are just unlucky. Believe me many people go through this, only to come back years later regretting all the success they would have had accomplished if they only had stuck with it.
Your online marketing needs a great image: starting from the colors you choose for your logo and the font you use in your website, your online marketing message has to be clear. Remember will all the clutter that most people see on the media everyday oftentimes less is more. Forget the flying color letters and loud funky music on your website, chances are its just going to get mixed with the sweet soft online radio station of your customer and you just made her close her browser as fast as she could. Remember to put the same creative elements on all your marketing materials as you do in your website so you can create what is called a business brand.
All about hosting and domains: today millions of domains are registered every day it's not as easy as it used to be to find a good domain name for your business, keep in mind that there are many different online marketing strategies that can be improved by having a good domain name for example if you have a domain that includes the correct keywords for your business this will eventually help you with your search engine optimization efforts. Also keep in mind that hosting is very affordable nowadays back in the day I remember having friends pay over $50 a month for basic hosting service. Today you can get a great hosting service with all the necessary tools for your website at a low monthly cost.
Step 2: Establish your online brand
Website design: Don't be fooled by some of the larger companies that tell you that web design is an obscure world of code wizards and design goddesses. With the advances in today's online technologies is fairly affordable to have a great and effective website designed. Don't take me wrong, I'm not saying find your 17 year old nephew to design your website as I've seen before, or to go to craigslist and find that $20 web designer that will create your online masterpiece, this will shortly result in online marketing failure. All I'm saying is that you don't have to spend 5 or 7 thousand dollars to get a very effective and appealing website.
It's all on the content: Don't follow the same error of many small business owners when they start creating a website where they put all the time and energy finding the right colors, the perfect logo on all the awesome images for the website but they neglect to create the best copy and content for their customers to read, after all most people go online to find useful information. Not only this but shortly when you discover the wonders of search engine optimization you will rapidly find that the content on your website is a key factor in your online marketing efforts. If you don't feel as creative as you were in your junior high poetry writing class, i highly recommend finding someone who can help you create compelling content for your site.
Communicate your offer: Many companies get distracted and use their website as a tri-fold brochure. Make sure you find the single reason why someone will visit your site and clearly give your visitors what you have to offer. It could be a simple contact form for more information, a sales video or a well put together sales page with an integrated online payment, whatever it is make sure you clearly tell your prospective customers what you offer and what action you want them to take.
Step 3: Build your audience
I could literally write 10 books in this subject and will definitely give you more detailed information later on, but this is how some say "where the magic happens", here is where you could give up to have the best designed website, all the social media pages in the world and so forth if no one is finding you online there is just no point of losing your precious time and money on these internet adventures. Traffic=customers=sales
Search engine optimization: SEO or search engine optimization is probably one of the most important pieces of the online marketing puzzle. This is where if done correctly can take your business from a small pop and mom corner shop to a large online retailer. Basically millions of people search every day for services and products online trough search engines, SEO is what helps you beat the competition so more people will find you.
Social media: If by now you don't know what Facebook or twitter is you must have been living under a rock for the past 5 years. As you know today almost everyone is connected online with their friends, family and colleagues trough some social media site. You need to take advantage of this by creating a social media campaign, just as I explained earlier about web design, you won't do much by just putting up a Facebook or Google+ profile, you have to create a strategy to reach all those potential customers with which you can easily interact online.
Paid online advertising: Just as important as some other online marketing methods paid online ads can be a very effective sales tool. Between Google Adwords, Facebook and banner ads there are plenty of companies looking for you to spend your beloved dollars advertising with them, make sure that before you take your shiny credit card out of your wallet you analyze and understand where your money is going and how is it going to help your online marketing efforts.
There are plenty of other online marketing strategies to follow, for now I wanted to cover some of the most important basics that will hopefully guide you on the right direction. Please keep tuned for more tips and information to help you create or enhance your small business online marketing campaigns.
All Digital Media helps small business create successful Online Marketing Campaigns at affordable Prices. Including Website Design, Branding, SEO and more. Go Here [] to view our affordable Web Design Plans
By: Santiago A Sosa
Friday, August 3, 2018
First Steps to Online Marketing
The first steps to work yourself through when you have decided to take the step towards online marketing there are a few things you need to think about.
-Why do I want to market online?
-What do I want to market online?
-What do I know about marketing online?
If the answer is "I don't know", today is your lucky day. I will share some of the steps that I have learnt about online marketing through endless testing and tweaking.
Why do you want to market online?
Is it to enhance your offline business?
Being able to make money without leaving your home?
Online marketing is easier than marketing offline, because online marketing takes care of itself and makes you money on autopilot?
If it's the last answer you're in for a big surprise. There is no such thing as EASY or AUTOPILOT in online marketing. Well, sure it is but not in the way many think. Online marketing is simple but not easy. Which means, it takes a lot of work to set it up and you need to be constantly tweaking and testing to maximize your efficiency and profits. I hope I didn't scare you off now. Online marketing is lots of fun and you could make friends all over the world.
So where do one start when you figured out why?
A specific market. Your Niche. Simple as that.
So, what is a niche and where do I find my market?
Well, there are a lot of places to find that. First of all. You'll want to target a niche that is actually profitable. What you don't want is to market a niche where no one is ever buying anything or a niche that pays very low. You want a niche that is in trend so to speak. It is what everyone is talking about and what people are interested in learning, using and purchasing.
For example.
Learning online marketing is a big niche with loads of people who are looking for information about it everyday. To find a monetizable niche you will need to look at the trends.
Ever seen the basket ball through the water hose?
Anyway, the trends is what people are interested in and what people are buying.
What are people looking for?
What are their main concerns?
When it comes to online marketing these are the most important questions to find an answer to. So you'll need to do some research. Did I say some. I mean a lot. You could basically say that online MARKETing is all about MARKET research. If you know what you're market desires you know what to MARKET to them. If you want to stay ahead in the online marketing game. Keep a journal on your daily activities.
1 year from now, you will have loads and loads of information that you could use. By then your online marketing business will be a lot different and you will have a different view on this. By then you will probably have forgotten what is was like when you wanted to learn online marketing. Why not keep a journal on you questions and utilize it when you decide you need to teach a spouse, friend or a new team member about online marketing.
What was the questions you had back then?
Well, it's easy for you now. They are what you ask today. So keep them written down as research for a later project and take notes on your struggles, issues and short comings when learning online marketing. Now, this is just to get you started so you could use it in the future.
What about now? Now is when you have your problems. How do you solve them and get going with your online marketing business?
Here it is...
You have a set of certain skills, I'm sure.
Are these skills relevant to marketing and business?
If not, you might want to consider acquiring a set of those skills before throwing yourself into doing business. Whether online or offline. The first thing you should do is to assess your skill tree. A simple mind map could do the trick or just a list with what you know. Rank them on how experienced and good you are at a skill.
Circle the top 3 skills you are most proficient in. Are that very good? Great!
Are they at all profitable or monetizable. Meaning could they make you money (with a little fantasy and imagination) If not, pick the next skill. That's your main focus to begin with. Now, underline the 3 bottom skills that you're not very or, at all proficient in but still is in context with your top skills. Those are the skills that you should focus on learning. 1 should be online marketing.
Apply the same rule as with your top skills but with the little tweak, Are they useful and do they enhance your top 3?
Now, you have some skills that you are good at and some that you are going to focus on learning. With time you will have 6 skills that you are very good at.
Go through this article again and apply the steps.
At this point, we're not sure you have all the information in this topic you need to understand it fully.
Now, we realize that this article can not fit a whole instruction to online marketing so I recorded a video series to get you started.
Go here for the first video:
By: Sven Wolf
-Why do I want to market online?
-What do I want to market online?
-What do I know about marketing online?
If the answer is "I don't know", today is your lucky day. I will share some of the steps that I have learnt about online marketing through endless testing and tweaking.
Why do you want to market online?
Is it to enhance your offline business?
Being able to make money without leaving your home?
Online marketing is easier than marketing offline, because online marketing takes care of itself and makes you money on autopilot?
If it's the last answer you're in for a big surprise. There is no such thing as EASY or AUTOPILOT in online marketing. Well, sure it is but not in the way many think. Online marketing is simple but not easy. Which means, it takes a lot of work to set it up and you need to be constantly tweaking and testing to maximize your efficiency and profits. I hope I didn't scare you off now. Online marketing is lots of fun and you could make friends all over the world.
So where do one start when you figured out why?
A specific market. Your Niche. Simple as that.
So, what is a niche and where do I find my market?
Well, there are a lot of places to find that. First of all. You'll want to target a niche that is actually profitable. What you don't want is to market a niche where no one is ever buying anything or a niche that pays very low. You want a niche that is in trend so to speak. It is what everyone is talking about and what people are interested in learning, using and purchasing.
For example.
Learning online marketing is a big niche with loads of people who are looking for information about it everyday. To find a monetizable niche you will need to look at the trends.
Ever seen the basket ball through the water hose?
Anyway, the trends is what people are interested in and what people are buying.
What are people looking for?
What are their main concerns?
When it comes to online marketing these are the most important questions to find an answer to. So you'll need to do some research. Did I say some. I mean a lot. You could basically say that online MARKETing is all about MARKET research. If you know what you're market desires you know what to MARKET to them. If you want to stay ahead in the online marketing game. Keep a journal on your daily activities.
1 year from now, you will have loads and loads of information that you could use. By then your online marketing business will be a lot different and you will have a different view on this. By then you will probably have forgotten what is was like when you wanted to learn online marketing. Why not keep a journal on you questions and utilize it when you decide you need to teach a spouse, friend or a new team member about online marketing.
What was the questions you had back then?
Well, it's easy for you now. They are what you ask today. So keep them written down as research for a later project and take notes on your struggles, issues and short comings when learning online marketing. Now, this is just to get you started so you could use it in the future.
What about now? Now is when you have your problems. How do you solve them and get going with your online marketing business?
Here it is...
You have a set of certain skills, I'm sure.
Are these skills relevant to marketing and business?
If not, you might want to consider acquiring a set of those skills before throwing yourself into doing business. Whether online or offline. The first thing you should do is to assess your skill tree. A simple mind map could do the trick or just a list with what you know. Rank them on how experienced and good you are at a skill.
Circle the top 3 skills you are most proficient in. Are that very good? Great!
Are they at all profitable or monetizable. Meaning could they make you money (with a little fantasy and imagination) If not, pick the next skill. That's your main focus to begin with. Now, underline the 3 bottom skills that you're not very or, at all proficient in but still is in context with your top skills. Those are the skills that you should focus on learning. 1 should be online marketing.
Apply the same rule as with your top skills but with the little tweak, Are they useful and do they enhance your top 3?
Now, you have some skills that you are good at and some that you are going to focus on learning. With time you will have 6 skills that you are very good at.
Go through this article again and apply the steps.
At this point, we're not sure you have all the information in this topic you need to understand it fully.
Now, we realize that this article can not fit a whole instruction to online marketing so I recorded a video series to get you started.
Go here for the first video:
By: Sven Wolf
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Getting Started With Online Marketing 101
If you're looking to get your first online marketing efforts going, there is no time like the present to get started. With so much business generating from online and mobile searches, if you don't have an online marketing strategy in place, you're already behind the curve. Fortunately for you, we have the six essential online marketing steps that you need to take in order to get your campaign and efforts up and running in no time.
Six Vital Online Marketing Steps for Internet Marketing Success
Regardless of your product, service or overall intended outcome, these eight steps to online marketing success will help you bring your goals to fruition, from inception to the market, helping you increase your bottom line by bolstering your online sales.
1. Defining a Keyword Strategy. In the most simple explanation of how online marketing works, people use keywords to find your site which increases your sales. Of course, it's much more complicated than that, but that does give you a sense of just how important your keyword strategy is. Keywords are the words that people type into search engines to find what they are looking for. If you're a dog grooming company in Boise, some of your keywords will be "Boise" and "dog grooming". But because you're probably not the only groomer in Boise, you're going to have competition out there for those keywords. That's where your keyword strategy comes into play. The goal here is to find keywords that have a high search volume but low competition. This means that people are searching for these keywords, but your competition hasn't optimized their sites for those words. By using keyword tools such as Google Keyword Planner from AdWords or Wordstream's keyword tool (both free), you can research and plan your keyword strategy effectively.
2. Optimizing your Website to Increase your Online Presence. Once you have your keywords, it's time to use them in order to optimize your website. Optimizing simply means creating a website that is more easily found by search engines. To do this, you'll need to sprinkle your keywords throughout the content on your page, including video titles, tag lines, your URL, alternative text, in your subtitles, etc. Basically, you want the keywords to show up so that when a query is entered, when a search engine crawls your site and indexes your pages, it will understand that your site is relevant to those keywords, and in turn, your potential customers. The search engine will then direct traffic to your site, thus increasing the chances that you make a sale, which is the goal of online marketing.
3. Creating a Blog and Content Marketing. Part of the content on your site that can be keyword optimized will be your blogs. Blogs are a form of content marketing, or content that has the specific goal of driving sales. In fact, all content on your site should be driving sales as per online marketing 101, but it should also present some value to your viewers. This will keep them interested as well as attach value to your product, service or good. Plus, blogs have a few additional benefits such as creating fresh content (which helps you rank higher and stay relevant in the eyes of search engines and customers) and having the ability to go viral. An item that goes viral (most likely through social media, but sometimes email and other mediums), will increase the reach of your brand and message.
4. Promoting your Content through Social Media. Social media is a huge and free online marketing platform that is a must-have for anybody looking to increase their online sales. If you aren't on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest already, you need to be by the end of the day. Social media allows you to connect and interact with fans and clients, tailoring and delivering your branded message for free while creating more in-roads to your website and keeping you fresh in the minds of your customers-and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The bottom line is that social media is the most popular online marketing tool nowadays.
5. Turning Leads into Conversions. Once you have leads coming into your site, you want to have a sales funnel structure that constantly pulls customers further towards making a purchase/signing up/downloading/etc. This is vital to the success of your online marketing efforts. To do this, your website should provide an easy-to-use customer experience that doesn't distract them from the final goal (the conversion). The customer should receive increasing value at each step of the way, further pulling them into the sales funnel. The site should also make it clear what the customer should do through the use of clear and concise calls to action.
6. Analyzing and Refining Your Strategies. Finally, you need to constantly monitor, analyze and refine your online marketing strategies. You can do this through a number of free sites such as Google Analytics and Google Webmaster. Monitoring how successful your site is by analyzing your keyword strategy's effectiveness and metrics such as your bounce rate will allow you to change and refine your online marketing strategies as you go, with the ultimate goal of optimizing your traffic and conversions in mind. You want your message to get more and more targeted to reach the exact customer base that you need to in order to maximize sales, the overall goal of all online marketing.
Furthering your Online Marketing Efforts for More Success
After you've implemented these six online marketing steps, most of your groundwork for online marketing success will be laid. Of course, it's important that you understand online marketing is an ongoing effort-there is no passive action that can lead to true internet marketing success. You have to constantly analyze and refine your marketing campaign strategies, as well as provide fresh content if you want to stay relevant in your niche.
And while there are both simple and complicated ways to do these things, the bottom line is that they need to get done. Which path you take depends on your online marketing goals and the time and energy you wish to spend. Of course, you can always outsource these jobs, but regardless of whether you want others to do them for you or you want to handle everything yourself to cut down on expenses, there are some key points for moving forward with your online marketing efforts that you need to understand.
April Ray has helped hundreds of new business owners generate traffic, leads and sales to their websites as well as build their mlm businesses. Your invited to find out more by visiting
**Stop pulling your hair out trying to put together a marketing plan or hunt down leads!! You don't have to do ALL of this alone! There is a TURNKEY system available that will do the hard work for you; the marketing strategies, the capture pages, the auto responders, the affiliate sales funnel, EVERYTHING! So that you can explode YOUR business, whatever that may be.
==> GO HERE to find out how:
By: April Ray
Six Vital Online Marketing Steps for Internet Marketing Success
Regardless of your product, service or overall intended outcome, these eight steps to online marketing success will help you bring your goals to fruition, from inception to the market, helping you increase your bottom line by bolstering your online sales.
1. Defining a Keyword Strategy. In the most simple explanation of how online marketing works, people use keywords to find your site which increases your sales. Of course, it's much more complicated than that, but that does give you a sense of just how important your keyword strategy is. Keywords are the words that people type into search engines to find what they are looking for. If you're a dog grooming company in Boise, some of your keywords will be "Boise" and "dog grooming". But because you're probably not the only groomer in Boise, you're going to have competition out there for those keywords. That's where your keyword strategy comes into play. The goal here is to find keywords that have a high search volume but low competition. This means that people are searching for these keywords, but your competition hasn't optimized their sites for those words. By using keyword tools such as Google Keyword Planner from AdWords or Wordstream's keyword tool (both free), you can research and plan your keyword strategy effectively.
2. Optimizing your Website to Increase your Online Presence. Once you have your keywords, it's time to use them in order to optimize your website. Optimizing simply means creating a website that is more easily found by search engines. To do this, you'll need to sprinkle your keywords throughout the content on your page, including video titles, tag lines, your URL, alternative text, in your subtitles, etc. Basically, you want the keywords to show up so that when a query is entered, when a search engine crawls your site and indexes your pages, it will understand that your site is relevant to those keywords, and in turn, your potential customers. The search engine will then direct traffic to your site, thus increasing the chances that you make a sale, which is the goal of online marketing.
3. Creating a Blog and Content Marketing. Part of the content on your site that can be keyword optimized will be your blogs. Blogs are a form of content marketing, or content that has the specific goal of driving sales. In fact, all content on your site should be driving sales as per online marketing 101, but it should also present some value to your viewers. This will keep them interested as well as attach value to your product, service or good. Plus, blogs have a few additional benefits such as creating fresh content (which helps you rank higher and stay relevant in the eyes of search engines and customers) and having the ability to go viral. An item that goes viral (most likely through social media, but sometimes email and other mediums), will increase the reach of your brand and message.
4. Promoting your Content through Social Media. Social media is a huge and free online marketing platform that is a must-have for anybody looking to increase their online sales. If you aren't on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest already, you need to be by the end of the day. Social media allows you to connect and interact with fans and clients, tailoring and delivering your branded message for free while creating more in-roads to your website and keeping you fresh in the minds of your customers-and that's just the tip of the iceberg. The bottom line is that social media is the most popular online marketing tool nowadays.
5. Turning Leads into Conversions. Once you have leads coming into your site, you want to have a sales funnel structure that constantly pulls customers further towards making a purchase/signing up/downloading/etc. This is vital to the success of your online marketing efforts. To do this, your website should provide an easy-to-use customer experience that doesn't distract them from the final goal (the conversion). The customer should receive increasing value at each step of the way, further pulling them into the sales funnel. The site should also make it clear what the customer should do through the use of clear and concise calls to action.
6. Analyzing and Refining Your Strategies. Finally, you need to constantly monitor, analyze and refine your online marketing strategies. You can do this through a number of free sites such as Google Analytics and Google Webmaster. Monitoring how successful your site is by analyzing your keyword strategy's effectiveness and metrics such as your bounce rate will allow you to change and refine your online marketing strategies as you go, with the ultimate goal of optimizing your traffic and conversions in mind. You want your message to get more and more targeted to reach the exact customer base that you need to in order to maximize sales, the overall goal of all online marketing.
Furthering your Online Marketing Efforts for More Success
After you've implemented these six online marketing steps, most of your groundwork for online marketing success will be laid. Of course, it's important that you understand online marketing is an ongoing effort-there is no passive action that can lead to true internet marketing success. You have to constantly analyze and refine your marketing campaign strategies, as well as provide fresh content if you want to stay relevant in your niche.
And while there are both simple and complicated ways to do these things, the bottom line is that they need to get done. Which path you take depends on your online marketing goals and the time and energy you wish to spend. Of course, you can always outsource these jobs, but regardless of whether you want others to do them for you or you want to handle everything yourself to cut down on expenses, there are some key points for moving forward with your online marketing efforts that you need to understand.
April Ray has helped hundreds of new business owners generate traffic, leads and sales to their websites as well as build their mlm businesses. Your invited to find out more by visiting
**Stop pulling your hair out trying to put together a marketing plan or hunt down leads!! You don't have to do ALL of this alone! There is a TURNKEY system available that will do the hard work for you; the marketing strategies, the capture pages, the auto responders, the affiliate sales funnel, EVERYTHING! So that you can explode YOUR business, whatever that may be.
==> GO HERE to find out how:
By: April Ray
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